
Sugar Industry Paid Harvard Scientists to Manipulate Research

Scientific American recently published an exposé titled Sugar Industry Secretly Paid for Favorable Harvard Research. Documents show that a trade group was trying to influence the public understanding of sugar’s role in disease. Can we admit that scientific research can be manipulated for generations without anyone catching on, and maybe we need some healthy skepticism…

Antidepressants are Placebos with Side Effects

Pharmaceutical companies have made a fortune selling snake oil to tens of millions of people, including children. The low-serotonin theory of depression is pseudoscience. There’s no evidence to support it, and what evidence there is contradicts it. Pharmaceutical companies knew their serotonin drugs were worse than useless since at least 1987. But they marketed them anyway.…

They say there haven’t been any healthcare cuts

And they’re right—if they limit the word “cut” to mean only “budget cut.” There have been numerous cuts to healthcare services in the U.S. Florida Medicaid recipients have all lost dental coverage and a $25 over-the-counter medicine reimbursement. Florida Medicaid has also been paying out decreasing amounts to healthcare professionals, causing patients to have to…